Community Newsletter: Action on homelessness crisis, Budget consultation, and more

January 20th, 2023 edition of Councillor Alejandra Bravo's Community Newsletter

Neighbour --

It’s been a packed week at City Hall, with the first meetings of the Board of Health and General Government Committee, as well as public deputations on the 2023 Budget. 

On Monday, I wrote an op-ed for the Toronto Star, outlining how one of the top concerns I’ve heard from members of our community is not adequately addressed in this year’s budget: the homelessness crisis. In a follow-up piece, the Toronto Star’s Editorial Board agreed, saying: “Of all the budget priorities being debated, surely this is the most pressing of all.”

At this week’s Board of Health meeting, I was honoured to be named Vice-Chair for the Board, and moved a motionalongside Councillors Gord Perks and Ausma Malik for immediate action to protect people who are in need of shelter and protection from the elements. We’ve heard from emergency doctors, frontline workers, and people with lived experience that the City’s current approach to providing indoor space isn’t working. 

Our motion declares a public health crisis based on the systemic failure of all three levels of government to provide adequate 24-hour, drop-in and respite indoor spaces, and calls for warming locations to be open 24/7 until at least April 15. It also calls for a working table of medical experts to provide recommendations on the intersection of health and homelessness. Our motion passed and will be going to City Council for consideration on February 7. 

On Tuesday and Wednesday, I listened to over 140 Torontonians share their thoughts on the 2023 Budget at both City Hall and Etobicoke Civic Centre. Some of the most frequently raised recommendations included: the need for better TTC service, more supports for people experiencing homelessness, reallocating the proposed $48 million budget increase for the police to social services and community-based crisis responses, and investing in climate actions. 

One of the highlights of the deputations was hearing from Arushi Nath, a Grade 8 student, who said: “My favourite subject is math. Yet, I do not see budgeting as a number exercise. I see budgeting as a tool to improve the lives of people.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Arushi and will be working over the coming weeks to champion improvements to this budget that put people first. 


Alejandra Bravo
City Councillor, Ward 9

CampTO for Summer 2023

This summer, CampTO programs for children and youth between the ages of four and 16 will begin in neighbourhoods across Toronto on Tuesday, July 4 and run until Friday, September 1. The City will offer approximately 75,500 spaces in 156 locations providing a variety of camp types, including traditional day camp experiences, active games, dance, drama, music, arts and crafts and indoor, outdoor and nature-based activities.

Registration for Summer CampTO opens February 11, 2023.

The quickest and easiest way to register for CampTO is online. You can find program and registration information on the City's CampTO webpage:

For in-person registration support, five community centre locations will be open on February 11 from 7 a.m. to noon:

  • Centennial Recreation Centre, 1967 Ellesmere Rd. 
  • Dennis R. Timbrell Resource Centre, 29 St. Dennis Dr. 
  • Driftwood Community Centre, 4401 Jane St. 
  • Masaryk Cowan Community Centre, 220 Cowan Ave. 
  • Wellesley Community Centre, 495 Sherbourne St.  

Residents who need help preparing for registration can call 416-396-7378, Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The call centre will be open for extended hours on Friday, February 10, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Residents need a family and client number to sign up for CampTO and are encouraged to have them ready before registration day. Residents can set up a new account or retrieve their existing numbers by phone or online to get a client and family number.

Changes to West Toronto Railpath Closure

Starting Monday, January 23, Metrolinx will be changing the West Toronto Railpath closure. The Railpath will be closed from Ernest Avenue to south of the Bloor Street West pedestrian bridge for approximately one year. A detour path will be in place to help you along your way. Metrolinx requires additional space while important construction work progresses to build the new pedestrian tunnel, covered pavilion, noise wall and the groundwork for the railway track.

The construction schedule may be adjusted due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

To view the detour, see the map below. For more details on access to Bloor GO station and the Railpath, visit the Bloor GO Station Improvements page.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Did you know you can avoid frozen pipes with these helpful home tips? See tips & learn more at

  • Apply foam coverings around indoor water pipes
  • Apply weather strips around doors & windows to keep cold air out
  • Locate and label your main indoor water shut-off valve, in case your pipes burst and you need
    to turn it off
  • When it is -15C or colder for a few days, you can run a thin stream of cold water from an
    indoor faucet to keep movement in pipes
  • Keep your house warm, even when you are away.

AGCO Public Notices

The following liquor/cannabis licenses are currently open for public comment. You can learn more about the status of applications by visiting the website of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario's online portal

970 College St
Toronto, ON M6H 1A5
Liquor Sales License
File Number: 3015037
File Objection / Submission
Deadline for Objections / Submissions: February 12, 2023

Reminder: Community Consultation for 1613 St. Clair Ave. W. 

Wednesday, January 25
6-8pm // Online meeting
Register to participate

The City of Toronto is hosting a virtual community consultation meeting on a proposed 17-storey mixed use building, containing 237 residential units and ground floor retail. You can review the material associated with the proposal here:

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