
If you disagree with the decision made on your Notice of Complaint, you will have 90 days to submit an appeal request. An appeal is limited to the same issues raised in your initial complaint unless the outcome of your complaint resulted in a reassessment or varied assessment.

Your Appeal can be submitted through the online portal and must include:

  • Assessment roll number and customer number.
  • Requestor’s full name and contact details (telephone number and/or e-mail address).
  • If you are acting on behalf of owner, include information regarding your relationship to the owner and your authority to act on their behalf.
  • Statement of the grounds on which the appeal is based and why the residential property should not be subject to the tax on the grounds of the appeal.
  • Supplementary information and evidence to substantiate the grounds for the appeal.

Upon receipt of your appeal request, your submission will be reviewed within 90 days by the Appellate Authority. The Appellate Authority will make a determination to allow or dismiss the appeal in whole or in part.

Following the determination the City will vacate, vary or reconsider the assessment within 30 days. The appeal decision is final.

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