Community Newsletter: September 1, 2023

September 1, 2023 edition of Councillor Alejandra Bravo's Community Newsletter

Neighbour --

This Labour Day weekend, the City of Toronto has many fun activities available for all ages. Enjoy time at the beach, at an outdoor swimming pool, at an indoor or outdoor recreation facility, and more! I have included a full list of what's open this long weekend below. 

With back to school happening next week, I wish students in Davenport all the best for a very successful school year ahead. You can read a back-to-school letter from TDSB Trustee Alexis Dawson below, and subscribe for her updates here. You can find updates from TCDSB Trustee Frank D'Amico here

I've heard from many members of our community about the update shared by Artscape regarding their operations. I know that our community strongly values the arts' role in our city and have shared some updates below. 

Next week, City Council will meet on Wednesday, September 6 for a special meetingto consider the updated long-term financial plan, Mayor Olivia Chow's plan to build more affordable homes, and other urgent business. 

I hope you enjoy a wonderful long weekend! 


Alejandra Bravo
City Councillor • Ward 9 • Davenport
Chair, Economic & Community Development Committee

In this edition

  • Labour Day Weekend Activities
  • Artscape's Operations
  • Back-to-School Letter from Trustee Alexis Dawson
  • Changes to 512 St. Clair Service
  • Noise By-Law Consultations
  • Night Economy Review Virtual Meetings
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Network Consultations
  • Other updates

Labour Day Weekend Activities

The City of Toronto is offering summer fun and sun options for Toronto residents and visitors to enjoy this Labour Day long weekend. Best of all, many of the options are available at no cost.

Lifeguard supervision and beach maintenance will continue at the City’s swimming beaches, from 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., until Monday, September 4. More information, including the status of each designated swimming beach, is available on the City’s Beach Safety webpage

City outdoor swimming pools
The City’s outdoor swimming pools will be open on Saturday, September 2 and Sunday, September 3. The City is extending dates at 10 outdoor pools for up to three additional weeks, starting September 4 until Sunday, September 24, from 4 to 7 p.m. on weekdays and noon to 7 p.m. on weekends.

Up-to-date information on outdoor pool hours and locations, along with splash and spray pads, is available by calling 311 or visiting the City’s Swim & Water Play webpage.

City parks, indoor pools, wading pools and splash pads
City parks, wading pools and splash pads will be open on holiday Monday. Indoor pools and community centres, including washrooms inside community centres, will be closed.

The City’s more than 140 splash and spray pads have been open across Toronto since May 20 and will continue to operate until Sunday, September 17. Splash pads operate daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and are activated with push-button features. Caregivers are reminded to supervise children, as these are unsupervised water-play areas.

More information, including swimming pool schedules, is available on the City’s Swim & Water Play webpage.

Dog-only swim
Dogs who have waited all summer are welcome to enjoy a free swim on two occasions in September. Select pool locations will have dog-only swim on Sunday, September 3, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and three additional pools will have dog-only swim on Sunday, September 24, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

An adult aged 18 or older must accompany the dog and watch from the side. One adult can bring a maximum of two dogs.

Residents interested in bringing their dog out for a dip are asked to visit the Dog-only Swim tab on the City’s Swim & Water Play webpage.

The City will accept pet donations at the pools on behalf of Toronto Animal Services of peanut butter, freeze-dried treats (liver, chicken, and beef) and dog toys. Torontonians can also support shelter pets online at any time by donating items from the City’s Our Wish List webpage. 

Community recreation centres
Community recreation centres will be open for regular program hours on Saturday, September 2 and Sunday, September 3, but will be closed on September 4. A full list of community recreation centres in Toronto with contact information is available on the City’s Recreation Centres webpage. 

Tennis and pickleball courts
Public tennis and pickleball courts across the city will have nets up and will be available throughout the long weekend. These public sites are free. If people are waiting to use the courts, players are asked to share the courts by limiting their play time to 30-minute intervals. More information about public tennis courts is available on City’s Tennis Court Listings webpage. Information on pickleball courts is available on the City’s Pickleball Court webpage. 

Road restrictions and closures
A number of road restrictions and closures related to events and critical City-led infrastructure work are in effect, which may impact travel throughout the Labour Day long weekend. Residents are encouraged to plan ahead and visit the City’s Road Restrictions & Closures webpage for more information:

More information about festivals and events is available on the City’s Festivals & Events Calendar webpage

TTC will operate a holiday service schedule on. September 4. Routes and schedules are available on the TTC Service Details and Holidays webpage.

Important reminder about fireworks
During the Labour Day long weekend residents are only permitted to set off fireworks on their own property if they have obtained a permit from Toronto Fire Services. Fireworks are not allowed in City parks or on beaches, balconies, streets, parking lots or other private properties.

The misuse or illegal sale of fireworks can be reported to 311 by phone or by submitting a service request on the City’s 311 webpage. 

Bylaw enforcement officers will monitor busy parks and beaches to respond to issues. More information about fireworks rules is available on the City’s Fireworks webpage.

Service impact: waste drop-off depots
The City’s Drop-off Depots will be closed for residential drop-off of garbage, yard waste, recyclables, household hazardous waste and electronics on September 4.
More information is available under the Labour Day (September 4) tab on the City’s 2023 Holiday Collection & Drop-off Depot Impacts webpage.

Artscape's Operations

Over the past two days, I’ve heard from many neighbours, artists, and arts supporters with their concerns about the future of Artscape. For many Torontonians who understand the value and importance of the arts and culture sector, this news was sudden and shocking.

Toronto needs more affordable housing for artists and more cultural and creative space to build the vibrant city we all want. The City is committed to working with Artscape to assess options that could protect their operations and reduce impact on artists and organizations.

Continuity of services for the residential tenants of Artscape is a key priority. The City is working to ensure that tenants are protected. An interim plan is being developed to ensure continued tenant services ahead of the potential appointment of a receiver to oversee Artscape.

In July, City Council authorized staff to enter into an agreement to guarantee a conditional line of credit for Artscape. Unfortunately, Artscape’s primary lender chose to pursue repayment of Artscape’s debts instead of providing additional credit.

Should Artscape enter receivership, the City will participate in the process to protect tenants, the public interest, and the broader cultural sector.

Back-to-School Letter from Trustee Alexis Dawson

To access the links in the letter, download the PDF version by clicking below. 

Changes to 512 St. Clair Service

Starting on September 3, service on the 512 St. Clair will be replaced with buses due to state-of-good-repair projects on the streetcar right-of-way and coordinated works.

TTC, Toronto Water, City of Toronto and Metrolinx have coordinated several projects along St. Clair West that require full or partial closure of the right-of-way. These works span from St Clair Station to Gunns Loop.

In Ward 9, there will be overhead intersection rebuilds at Lansdowne & Oakwood, lubrication at Oakwood & Earlscourt Loops, Toronto Water valve replacements, bridge rehabilitation, track repair on the right-of-way, and overhead upgrades.

I know that service is key to ensure that everyone can keep moving. During peak hours, buses will run every 3 minutes. During off-peak hours, buses will run every 6-10 minutes.

TTC staff have shared that 31 buses will be dedicated during peak hours to provide this replacement service. They will be continually monitoring service and making adjustments as needed.

If you have questions or concerns, reach out to my office or the TTC’s Senior Community Liaison by calling 437-551-4407 or emailing [email protected].

Noise By-Law Consultations

The City of Toronto is reviewing the successes and challenges of implementing the Noise Bylaw, which was amended in 2019. Residents are invited to provide feedback at public consultations, starting Tuesday, September 12.

In Toronto, certain levels of noise are reasonable and reflect life in the densely populated city. The City’s Noise Bylaw balances the city’s vibrancy with the needs of residents and provides time restrictions and sound level limits for various types of noise.

Registration for the following in-person and virtual consultations is available online.

  • General noise (for example, unreasonable and persistent noise, power device noise and noise from waste collection):
    • In-person: Tuesday, September 12, Metro Hall, 55 John St., Room 308/309, 7 to 9 p.m
    • Virtual: Tuesday, September 19, 7 to 9 p.m. Amplified sound (for example, music from bars):
    • Virtual: Wednesday, September 13, 7 to 9 p.m
    • In-person: Thursday, September 21, Metro Hall, 55 John St., Room 308/309, 7 to 9 p.m.
  •  Motor vehicle noise:
    • Virtual: Monday, September 18, 7 to 9 p.m.
  • Construction noise (for example, condo developments and residential infill):
    In-person: Wednesday, September 20, North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge St., Meeting Room 101, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Night Economy Review Virtual Meetings

City staff will be hosting virtual meetings on September 6 and 7 to share an update on the Night Economy Review, including the City’s proposal to update regulations for bars, restaurants and other entertainment venues.

You are encouraged to attend the public sessions and share your feedback. More information about the proposed bylaw changes, including details on how to participate, is available on the City’s Night Economy Review webpage. 

Electric Vehicle Charging Network Consultations

The city's Environment and Climate division will be conducting public consultation activities this month to gather input from Toronto residents on their needs, preferences and expectations for public electric vehicle (EV) charging, as well as their current and planned EV ownership. 

The results of this consultation will inform development of the Toronto Public EV Charging Network Study.

Residents may provide their input by:
  • Completing an online survey, which is open until September 30th
  • Participating in one of two online webinars:
    • September 12th from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. 
    • September 12th from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Participating in an in-person open house
    • The open house for the Toronto and East York district will be held on September 19th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Metro Hall. 
A link to the survey, additional in-person open house dates and more information can be found at

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